Bulldog HT Centrifugal Filtration Plates

Filter Cells with No Cross-Contamination

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Patented design offers simple, worry-free filtration of cells
The new HT Centrifugal Filtration Plates are compatible with both 96- and 384-well microplates and made to filter cells. Whether removing clumped debris from single cells preparations, or collecting exosomes/proteins from the supernatant of a population of cells, HT Centrifugal Filtration Plates provide an answer. Save time, save money and prevent cross-contamination!

The plates solve many of the issues related to filtering cells by incorporating two patented technologies that can’t be found elsewhere.  The first improvement uses a silicone layer to tightly hold both plates and avoid inter-well contamination. The second technology uses a proprietary laser processing technology (PET) to attach a support membrane with an 300µm pore size for unmatched strength.  Combine this with four different standard pores sizes (0.45, 30, 70 & 100µm) of highly homogenous mesh (or track etched filter for 0.45µm), and these plates are perfect for cell filtration, collecting proteins, vesicles, exosomes, or many other applications.  Combine these features with the per-sample cost savings vs conventional cell strainers, and your lab lab can save money and time.

Did we mention these filtration are completely automation friendly? They are, and we can support use on most robotic systems.

Case study – Presence or absence of contamination after plate centrifugation
The HT Centrifugal Filtration Plate was tested on a conventional 96-well round bottom plate for the presence or absence of contamination after plate centrifugation. HEK293T not expressing GFP and HEK293T expressing GFP (human fetal kidney epithelial cell) were filtered in adjacent wells and measured with flow cytometry.


Cells were stripped with trypsin/EDTA and centrifuged.
② Cells were washed with PBS.
③ Cells were diluted with PBS to make about 2 x 104 cells/200 μL.
④ PI was added to make a final concentration of 0.25 μg/mL.
⑤ CSCRIE Centrifugal Filtration Plate was set on a 96-well plate.
⑥ Cells were added to wells in 200 μL.
⑦ The plate was centrifuged at 300 g x 30 s.
⑧ It was measured with flow cytometer (Guava easyCyte 8HT) .

*Measurement was made only within the red frame.

There was no suspension left in the filter after centrifugation

After centrifugation at 300g x 30 seconds, there was no contamination in another well and all the suspension had fallen to the bottom.

Part Numbers ARHTP9630, ARHTP9670, ARHTP96100, ARHTP3830, ARHTP3870, ARHTP38100, ARHTP96N45, ARHTP38N45
Pore Sizes: 0.45µm, 30µm, 70µm & 100µm
Plate Compatibility 96-well or 384-well
Material Plate : polystyrene
Filter : polyester fiber (30µm, 70µm & 100µm)
Filter : polycarbonate track etched (0.45µm)
Adhesive : silicone
Storage Temp Room Temp
Shelf Life 24 months