2-Chip Disposable Hemocytometer

Designed and Packaged for the Most Demanding Labs

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Easy and precise counting
Are you looking for a disposable plastic hemocytometer that improves upon the conventional glass variety? The 2-Chip is the answer by offering the ability to eliminate tedious washing and reduce exposure to infectious samples and contamination. In a conventional glass hemocytometer, improper fit between the chamber and coverslip changes the volume of the sample introduced into the chamber. The 2-Chip’s all-in-one “chamber with an integrated cover” solves the problem. The 2-Chip contains two precision engineered 100 µm height counting chambers that do not need coverslips. Just pipette 10µl of sample into each chamber, place on the microscope and you are ready to . Then dispose once finished. It’s that simple.

*We have changed the name of our popular 2-channel disposable hemocytometer from C-Chip to 2-Chip. As such, the packaging graphics have changed. EVERYTHING ELSE REMAINS THE SAME. The product is manufactured in the same facility, and to the exacts same specifications. In other words, the 2-Chip is the same product as the C-Chip.

Additional Information

The full grid on a hemocytometer contains 9 squares, each of which is 1 mm square. Large cells are counted using the four large corner squares (and the middle one). If you use a dense suspension of small cells, the four 1/25 sq. mm corners plus the middle square in the central square are used.

The grid consists of 9 large squares, each measuring 1 x 1 mm, and a chamber depth of 0.1 mm. Each square has a total volume of 0.1 mm3 or 10-4cm3. The central square is divided into 25 small squares with triple lines and four corner squares are divided into 16 small squares.

Each large square has a surface area of 1.0mm2, and the depth of the chamber is 0.1mm. As there are 1000 mm3 per ml, each large square represents a volume of 0.0001ml, so that it is equal to 1/ 0.0001ml = 10,000 = (104).

Use General, mammal, erythrocyte,  leukocyte, yeast, ext.
Compatibility All microscopes and automated cell imagers/readers that accept standard hemocytometer slides
Part Numbers DHC-N01, DHC-N05, DHC-N002, DHC-N21, DHC-N51
Material Quartz grade optical plastic
Certifications IVD and CE
Dimensions 25 x 75 x 1.6mm
Chamber Depth 100 µm
Chamber Volume 10 µL
Chambers Per Chip 2
Tests Per Box 100
Grid Neubauer Improved
Package Individually sealed
Lot Tested and Certified Yes. Certificate in box