FastGene Agarose Gel Band Cutter

All-in-One Disposable Exciser & Dispenser

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Spend less time cutting and more time discovering
Manually excising gel bands takes time and practice, but now there’s another way to easily cut out DNA bands with both consistency and accuracy. The FastGene Agarose Gel Band Cutter is a ready-to-use, disposable tool for cutting agarose gel bands. This affordable tool simplifies fragment purification and eliminates wasted effort using Exacto knives or razor blades. The size of the excised gel band will always be 6 mm x 3 mm, and you can collect multiple bands in a single FastGene Cutter—making large-scale purifications that much easier.

The band weight is dependent on the percentage and thickness of agarose gel. Please refer to the table below for calculating the weight of gel bands. Why not give these little widgets a try? Save yourself time, and make life easier for everyone in your lab!

Gel thickness 2% agarose gel 1% agarose gel
1.0 cm ≈140 mg ≈130 mg
0.8 cm ≈120 mg ≈110 mg
0.6 cm ≈100 mg ≈90 mg

Part Numbers FG-830
Cutting Size 6 mm x 3 mm
Disposable Yes
Cut, Collect, and Dispense Multiple Bands Yes