Human iPSC Complete Reprogramming Kit

Single transfection Protocol with Unmatched Reprogramming Efficiency

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Cost-effective, simple protocol brings your iPSC generation steps in-house
This complete reprogramming kit (or as separate components) is specifically designed to produce high-efficiency reprogramming of cells with only a single transfection protocol — multiple or daily transfections are not required. Suitable for adherent or suspension-adapted primary cell lines spanning somatic cells to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Generate robust iPSC colonies from patient-derived or reference mononuclear cells. Non-integrating, non-viral, episomal DNA is fully cleared in less than 20 days and programmed cells exhibit footprint-free characteristics and normal morphology.

Simple workflow using a single transfection event
This human iPSC reprogramming kit is easy-to-use and produces robust iPSCs in under 20 days.

Works better with PBMC!
See below how this kit outperforms other methods for producing iPSCs.

No karyotype abnomalities

Part Numbers MR1003-K, MR1001-K, MR1004, MR1002-K,
Components iPSC Base Media 250mL
iPSC Reprogramming Supplement 495µL
iPSC Episomal Reprogramming Mix, 50µg (MR1004)
iPSC Growth Media Kit (MR1001-K)
Storage Temp -20°C to 4°C (depending on component)
Storage Time 3-6 months (depending on component)
Shipping Overnight on dry ice or gel packs (depending on component)