MIDORI Green Xtra Agarose Tablets

Simple and Safe Gel Pouring

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Don’t waste time pouring gels
Midori Green Xtra Agarose Tablets are a fast, clean solution for preparing agarose gels without any additional time-consuming steps, such as weighing or adding different components. Just add the tablet to pure cold water, heat, and pour. That’s it! Once the gel hardens, it’s ready ready for loading. Each tablet contains the perfect amount of Midori Green Xtra DNA Stain, with either no buffer or TAE powder, and 0.5g of the highest-purity agarose as integrated components; you don’t need anything else but water. If you’re tired of prepping agarose gels for your lab, this is the quickest and easiest solution to reduce effort and improve the quality of your gels.

Hey! The stain is already in that little tablet!
Another big advantage is safety. Midori Green Xtra Nucleic Acid Stain is a new, safe alternative to traditional ethidium bromide(EtBr) stain for detecting dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA in agarose gels. Nearly identical to EtBr in performance and use, Midori Green is much less harmful to living organisms. As compared with EtBr, which is known as a strong mutagen, Midori Green causes many fewer mutations in the Ames test. When compared with spontaneous mutations caused by water in the Ames test, Midori Green’s rate was only slightly beyond the standard deviation range. In addition (and in contrast to EtBr), Midori Green scores negative in the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test and in the chromosome aberration test, which indicates that it’s considered non-carcinogenic. And for those who prefer to be safe rather than sorry, Midori Green has been tested for latex/nitrile glove penetration, in which both materials show negative results—even after 6 hours of exposure. Most importantly, Midori Green is not considered hazardous waste, and can be disposed of according to standard laboratory procedures.

– Tablet format – no weighing required
– Powder free
– Stable at room temperature when protected from light
– Only pure water is needed
– Fast dissolving protocol
– Non-carcinogenic alternative to ethidium bromide
– Environmentally safe – disposal with regular laboratory waste


Ultra-sensitive DNA signals and low background – Just a perfect signal

Midori Green Xtra is a new highly sensitive green fluorescent stain for a safe visualization of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. This DNA stain is a safe and better alternative to the traditional nucleic acid stain ethidium bromide (EtBr). Remarkably, agarose gels stained with Midori Green Xtra have a very low background fluorescence, which makes the identification of low amounts of DNA very easy. Midori Green Xtra is optimized for Blue/Green and Blue LED light, leading to unbeatable fluorescence signals of DNA and RNA in agarose gels. However, you can also use UV light for the detection of DNA.

Safer for you and better for your subcloning
By using safe Midori Green dyes and safe Blue/Green LED illumination you can improve your subcloning transformation efficiencies by THREE-FOLD. In this example, a plasmid vector was double digested with suitable restriction enzymes to create two sticky-ended DNA fragments: the lacZ gene (3,536 bp) and the backbone of the vector (4,318 bp). Equal amounts of digested DNA were electrophoresed on 1% agarose gels. The gels were stained with either ethidium bromide or Midori Green Direct gel stain according to the corresponding manuals, and then viewed using either a UV transilluminator or the FastGene Blue/Green LED Illuminator, respectively. The two DNA fragments were excised from the gels and purified using a silica membrane based purification kit. The lacZ gene and the vector backbone were religated using T4 DNA ligase transformed into DH5a cells and plated onto selection plates. The total number of blue and white colonies was counted to evaluate cloning efficiency. Each experiment was conducted in triplicate, and the average cloning efficiency was determined. Midori Green Direct resulted in dramatic increase of positive transformants.

Midori Green Can Boost Your Cloning Results!

Ethidium bromide is typically used in conjunction with a strong UV light source to excise DNA bands for purification prior to the ligation reaction. Short wave-length light is known to cause thymidine dimers and damage the DNA. The extent of this damage is not always appreciated. High energy light wreaks havoc on a DNA fragment in mere seconds. As can be seen below, after only a 15 sec exposure of DNA in a standard agarose gel, cloning efficiency starts to drop. And after a 30 sec exposure your cloning experiment is all but dead! In contrast, the cloning efficiency of protocols that use blue or blue/green LEDs are completely unaffected by this deleterious effect. If your lab isn’t able to break itself of its ethidium bromide habit, using a Blue/Green LED illuminator (or imaging system) should have an immediate positive impact on DNA integrity and cloning efficiency.

UV Transilluminators Kill Cloning Experiments

Part Numbers AG12, AG13
Integrated Buffer Available
Buffer Type TAE powder (AG13)

No buffer (AG12)

Integrated DNA Stain YES
DNA Stain Midori Green Xtra
Storage RT, protect from light